is gonna leave us, for good :( she's gonna transfer to some school in subang :( :( We will sooo miss you and your ultimate lame jokes, really!
We love you! and we mean it! (: yeah just a short one cause someone asks me for update, so yeah. On thursday, Jiawen, Daphney, Lydia and me played badminton at a park near jiawen's house. Yeah everywhere were green, nature! I like! How i wish SS2 was like that :)
I spotted this cross which i found it really pretty :)
Then, we baked chocolate muffins! :D
The results! great! it was yummy :9
cup noodles for lunch. As usual i ate curry flavour haha
After that, we chiong kei-ed x) less than 3 songs I think, then me and ly went back.
Oh yeah thank you Jiawen for everything, the ingredients the recipe the muffins the verynicedessert the singing the cupnoodles the rootbeer and everything haha.
Finally, we'll miss you daph!
Okay, good night! church tomorrow and derby matches tomorrow too! a great day to come! ;)
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